Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Why I started a blog

I like to answer questions that people often ask me about my blog. A handful of peopme have asked me why I started a blog and what do I hope to come from it.

I first noticed a love for writing when I was about 8-9 years old. My mother always tried to find unique ways to punish us for our misbehaviours.  One punishment that she started with me was to write an essay. I had to include what I did wrong, why I thought it was wrong, why I shouldn't do it and why I won't do it again. I remember being upset at first but then once I started writing, I absolutely loved it! I was finished my essay in no time flat. Needless to say, she stopped punishing me in that way because it ended up being an enjoyment to me.

When I was in high school English class, the teacher would occasionally give out essay assignments.  Everyone would be huffing and puffing and moaning under their breath because they hated it. I on the other hand was secretly excited about it and would start in my very next class.

Now as an adult I find that I post way too much on Facebook and my statuses at times are just entirely too long. So I decided to start a blog and see where it leads me.

I love blogging.  I really put heart and soul into my blog posts. It is hard to explain other than a passion that you feel inside of you.  Something inside that drives you and moves you. It just takes over and the words just seem to pour out.

I am receiving more hits to my blog than I thought I would at the beginning. I have people from other countries viewing my blog. I know not everyone is religious and the religious people all believe different things. I do have to say that I thank my God daily for blessing me with such a talent. I hope that he works through me and through my words to help other people. I want people to be encouraged by my posts. I want them to know that they are not alone.

Thank you everyone who has read my posts and continues to support me. It means more than anyone will ever know. I am sending much gratitude your way.


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