Monday, August 18, 2014

Make Your Dreams Come True

Do you have a dream of some sort. A dream of something that you want for yourself. It could be anything.  A college degree,  buy your first house, owning your own business, being debt free, etc. Have you done anything to work towards this dream?

Your dream, no matter what it is, is obtainable if you set your mind to it. But you need to start today if you haven't already. Just one task a day would allow you to be closer to your dream as each day passes.  Even if it is one positive thought like, "I can do this".

There will always be someone in your life who will question your tactics or criticize what you are doing.  This person could even be yourself causing that self doubt.  Don't allow anyone to hold you back, not even yourself. Push through the negativity.  Imagine where our world would be if everyone gave up because there was someone who thought they were crazy for going for their dream. Oprah Winfrey had stated that her grandmother had taught her the ways of becoming a housekeeper as a child. Oprah knew thats not what she wanted for herself. So she pushed through all of the odds in her life. Look at the sensation she has become for so many people in the world.

A couple of weeks ago I was listening to a motivational speaker.  He had asked the singer/artist "50 Cent", when did he have time to sleep. The singer responded with, "I didn't sleep".  If you want something bad enough in life, you will do everything you can and work as hard as possible to achieve it.

So push those self doubts out of your mind, ignore the critics,  and work hard. It is never too late to start working towards that goal. Start today. This day, hour, and minute will never come again. So don't waste it.

You can do it!

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