Sunday, August 17, 2014

Remember, It's Only Temporary

We all have struggles in life. Some are minor, some are drastic. Some struggles seem to ourselves that there just couldn't be anyone who would ever understand what you are feeling or experiencing currently. But truth is, we have all been there, we have all experienced it. We have all hurt, we have all stressed, we have all had money problems at one point, etc. During those struggles or negative emotions that I have experienced, I have found the thought enter my mind of "This will never go away" or "Why me?". Struggling is a part of life. However, you do not have to unpack and stay there. You can make the situation temporary. Have your breakdown moment, cry, be mad, scream, whatever it is that will make you feel better. Then pick yourself back up. Life keeps moving regardless of where each of us are currently. The world will keep turning, everyone else will go on each day, the time will keep ticking. It is our job, for ourselves, to fix ourselves. You are capable of it. You are capable of being happy and enjoying life. As that time keeps ticking, keep in mind, "this too shall pass". It will pass, I promise. What you should do, is make that negative an inspirational positive. Use it to learn from. Each of my experiences have made me stronger. I used to be a quiet, extremely shy person. I would never even think about talking unless being spoken to. I also never stood up for myself, I never stood out. I was the type of girl in school that quietly sat in the back of the classroom. I worried what others would think, would I say the wrong thing, would I upset someone, would I embarrass myself? That is no way to live. Each of my negative experiences have pushed me a little further in life. They have helped me to come out of my shell. I am now nothing like what I was in high school. I stand up for what I believe, I say what I feel, I do not care what others think about me. I go for what I want and what I deserve in life. You are capable of anything you put your mind to. However, if you keep a negative attitude, I promise that you will be blind to the what each circumstance has to teach you. If you are struggling financially, take from it the learning experience of when things finally work out for you, the appreciation of staying humble. You have been at the bottom, you know what it feels like. Stay humble, don't put yourself above others because you have a higher financial status. If your marriage ends, pick yourself up and move on. Take from it the thought of what you can change about yourself or the type of person that you need/want to be with in the future to make your life positive and happy. Every experience is only temporary, so make it a learning opportunity. It does not last forever and reminding yourself of what you have learned will help you to understand why life brought you down that road, which will help you to recover. Stay strong.

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