Thursday, August 14, 2014

10 Reasons Why I Married A Car Enthusiast

With all of my recent blogging,  my husband had suggested that I do a post about cars. I am not exactly sure that this is what he had in mind. However I post what comes to mind and this is what came to mind.

Sometimes men who have the hobby of dabbling with cars, are lucky enough to have a wife or girlfriend who will work along side of them, go to the race track,  drag race, and be so full of car knowledge. Although my husband is lucky in other areas to have me as his wife, he was not lucky in the car aspect.

I often complain about the grease left in the sink after he washes his hands, the tools left around the house and if you are married to a car enthusiast,  even if you deny it, you have had an engine in your house before. An engine just sitting there like a piece of furniture.  Or how about going to the grocery store with your hubby and ending up taking 2 hours because he seen a car enthusiast friend and they talk and talk about cars of which is a foreign language to you.

I never enlighten on the positive side to being married to a man who loves cars. So I have compiled a list of 10 reasons of why I am happy to have a husband who is very knowledgeable about cars.

1) Oil Changes- Oil changes to me are as tedious of a task as food shopping.  So I just let it go until the dinging on my truck annoys my husband and he either does it himself or he takes the truck to the dealership for me.

2) Weird Noises- This is usually how our conversations go with those "weird noises"......
Me: Honey there is a weird noise in the car.
Hubby: What does it sound like?
Me: I dont know, its just weird.
Hubby: Weird? As in what?
Me: Im not sure,  I never heard it before.
Hubby: ok. I will look at it tonight.

3) Car Cleanliness- I think washing my vehicle is up there on the list with oil changes.  Luckily since I am married to an anal car enthusiast,  he will give in and wash it for me because he can't stand one of our vehicles to look like that.

4) Benefits for Friends- Do you have a friend who's car is in need of work?  My response usually is "oh my hubby is fantastic with cars, I will have him look at it for you".

5) Windshield Wipers- That moment you realize your wipers are worn out. So you go home and tell your hubby "I cant see when it rains, please change them". I have never in my life yet personally bought or installed windshield wipers. I have had no need to. My step dad did it for me when I lived at home, and for 14 years my hubby has done it.

6) Nice Cars- You will rarely ever see a car enthusiast own a car that either looks yucky or is less than a 4 cylinder.  You can have a yucky car but you best believe under that hood is a gem and it surprises people that try to jump you at red lights. I have always have a nice vehicle while with my hubby.

7) Engine Work: Need new spark plugs? Why pay all of that money in labor costs for a shop to do it when your hubby can do it for free?   Which overall means since I saved on a mechanic, I now have money for that pair of shoes I have been wanting.

8) Car Shows: I have found in recent years that even though I absolutely dread my husband asking me to go to car shows with him, that there are other bored wives there as well. What this means for me is more business for my business.  I dress up my baby girl in a cute car shirt I made and let the "awes" begin.......and I hand out business cards too.

9) Dashboard Lights: We all hate those dashboard lights that come on when something needs to be fixed in the vehicle.  No problem........."Honey a light came on, go look at it please".

10) Gas: I saved the best for last! Gas, my hubby almost always, not by choice, pumps my gas for me. Isn't he sweet?

So there you have it, a list of 10 reasons I married my car enthusiast husband.

Dedicated to my husband. I love you. 

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