Saturday, August 9, 2014

To Tell A Lie

Everyone on land or sea of this planet has experienced being lied to. I have often pondered on this topic. I often wondered why people feel the need to lie. I could never understand it.

I have been in contact with someone for 14 years who I eventually removed from my children's lives for the main reason of lieing. I did not want my children confused. Their father and I punish them for lieing, however this other adult lies with no consequences. 

Even after removing this person from our lives, she continues to lie about my family. So I couldn't help to wonder even deeper of why do people lie. Especially people who have everything in life that they want. They are healthy, their children are healthy. I even thought I was doing something wrong and questioned myself. 
I am a deep thinker.  So I began doing some online research about this topic. Thanks the Wikipedia,  I have realized that the person lieing was at absolutely no fault of mine or my family. In actuality, lieing is a undiagnosed mental illness. There is no treatment for it due to no actual medical diagnosis yet in the medical books for it. But lieing is a symptom of a handful of different mental illnesses that are in fact in the medical books.

Now that we know that, the question still remains of "why do people lie?" Upon further research, it is said that people lie because they personally feel less than others. They may or may not realize they are lieing. They also may actually believe their own lies. This ties in with the  undiagnosed mental illness.

Some people are not complete without power over others. So these sick individuals will lie for the personal gain of feeling like they have that power over someone.  Which made the light go off. I realized this is why no matter how many materialistic items that a person owns in life,  they still have that inner sadness and some also lie.

The point to all of this you ask? If you have a person like this in your life, dont allow them to discourage you because it has absolutely nothing to do with you.  Cope with them the best way possible without allowing them to discourage you, even if it means discontinuing any contact with them.

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