Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Giving Up is NOT an Option

Sometimes no matter how positive I am, I struggle mentally to keep the positive thoughts. Some days seem like everything is hitting me at once.  I feel under water with no chance of a breath of air. Feeling alone is the worst.

Have you ever felt like this? Im sure you have. Everyone does at some point.  It's just that some people handle it a little easier than others do. Some feel like its the end of the world. Some crawl into bed and have a good cry. Some eat comfort food.....or maybe all of the above.

Have you ever felt like life was beating you down so much that you just cant push on any further? Yeah, me too. I'm a cryer.  Its ok to have your moment, its ok to be a positive person but have a bad day. Its really ok to feel like giving up. But as long as you don't. 

Think of all of the goals and dreams you have. The hopes that you have for yourself.  Use those thoughts to push on. Life is never perfect but one thing it has taught me is that the harder I have to work for something,  the more I seem to enjoy the reward.

When you change your thinking, you change your outcome.  If you constantly think "why me", "I have a black cloud over my head", you will never rid yourself of that black cloud that you claim to have. Gain a positive attitude about life. You are strong! You will make it! If you fail, it's ok, just try it a different way the next time.

You can't give up, your destiny is waiting for you.  So get up and go at life full speed ahead and give it your everything.  Bill collectors may knock on your door but success and happiness won't. 

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